When Fitzilla launched, everyone loved their iconic waist trainer. But the numbers just wasn't impressive. They had very few sales and things really looked gloomy.
Without sales, their company would cease to exist so they knew had to do something.

FitZilla came to Balloon and created a recurring mission telling 100 Balloon Evangelists that gets averagely 100 Views on their Whatsapp Status to post about their product everyday on their Whatsapp Status.
They gave the Evangelists variations of posts they should post daily about their product.

This immediately quadrupled the number of messages FitZilla started getting - as they started getting an average of 33 - 71 new messages daily.
And as you may able to guess, this immediately translated to sales and they started getting an average of 12 - 27 new sales daily.
Their days of struggle immediately ended and they started having happy days.